Monday, 16 March 2015

Pre-Movie Background Research

Movie Title/ Year : Bag it /Initial released September 1, 2011

Producer : Michelle Hill and Suzan Beraza 

Genre : Documentary Film ,Comedy and Drama 

Summary of documentary film :
An average guy makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. Little does he know that this simple decision will change his life completely. He comes to the conclusion that our consumptive use of plastic has finally caught up to us, and looks at what we can do about it. Today. Right now.

Intended message to be delivered : 

Persuade people to stop using plastic bags 

Any actions/ movements after the film? :

The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's oceans, waves and beaches.

Eco-cycle in Boulder advocates a zero-waste system, which addresses our resource use from product design to disposal.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere.

The Algalita Marine Research Foundation is dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its watersheds through research, education and restoration.

Oceana is the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation.

TEDX is a nonprofit organization dedicated to compiling and disseminating scientific evidence on the health and environmental problems caused by low-dose exposure to chemicals that interfere with development and function.

Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawai'i (B.E.A.C.H.) is an all volunteer, nonprofit organization concerned with bringing awareness and solutions to the problem of marine debris on Hawai'i's beaches.

Plastic Bag Free is attempting to get rid of disposable bag use across the UK.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is a coalition effort launched in 2004 to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.

The Plastic Pollution Coalition aims to end the global dependence on disposable plastic, the primary source of plastic pollution and reduce the overall global plastic footprint for individuals, businesses and organizations.

 Successful stories? :

The film received the Best of Festival Award from the Blue Oceans Film Festival, an Audience Choice Award from the Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival, the Best Documentary Audience Award from the Ashland Independent Film Festival, the Audience Choice Award from Mountainfilm in Telluride, and second place Audience Award at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Sunday, 15 March 2015

MMR Vaccine (Jinny)

-Exposure of very small, safe amount of viruses or bacteria that have been weakened or killed
-Our immune system learns to regonize and fight the disease later in the future

4types of vaccine available today
-Live virus vaccines -use weakened from of viruses e.g. vaccine
-Killed (inactive) vaccines -made from protein or small pieces from bacteria

MMR Vaccines
-MMR stand s for Measles, Mumps, Rubella
-Measle is an

MMR Vaccines
-CDC (Centres for Disease Control and prevention) recommend that children receive 2 doses
- First at 12-15 months
-Second (4-6 years)

Cases and Outbreaks
-Highest number of cases of measles in US was during 2014
-644 cases from 27 states reported to CDC's National Center for
-US is currently experiencing a large, multistate linked to an amusment park in California
-Three other outvreaks are occuring in Illionois, Nevada and Washington

-Majority of the people who got measles were unvaccined
-Travelers with measles contribute to the spread of the disease

Anti-vaccination movement
-There are organizations that do not support vaccinations
-SInce 1990s, they believe that vaccination can cause Autism due to mercury-based preservatives called Thimerosal in vaccines
-They threaten the effectiveness of public program

-There is a scientific consensus which states that vaccines are safe
-Only one out of third flu shot  contain thimerosal
-Research has shown that there is no link between autism and thimerosal
-Allergic reaction is very rare

-The government and other organiztions can actively spread awareness of the truth and importance of vaccination
-Health care should be provided so that vaccination becomes a necessity

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Oil Spill is the release of a liquid called Petrolium Hydrocarbon (Jihyun Current Event)

Reasons for Oild Spill
- People making careless mistakes
-Equipment failure
-Natural disaster such as hurricane or tornado

Effect on marine animals
-Seabirds are strongly affected by oild spills
-They are covered in oil which leads to heavy oil weights down the bird feathers
-Oil is poisonous and can die

Killer Whales
-Strongly affected group of animal
-Oils spill led to endangering of killer whales
-Effects in two ways
-Plugs up the blowholes of killer whales
-The foods the whales such as fishes are covered with oil can affect the whales too

Effect on plants
-Oil forms a very thick layer on the surface of the water, which prevents light and gaseous exchange
-Plantts will not be able to do photosynthesis
-Marine animals will find that supply of oxygen will slowly dimish

How are oil spills cleaned?
-Use dispersants to break down the oil
-A liquid or gas used to disperse small particles in a medium
-Add biological agents to the spills
-Let the oil break down naturally

Rayong Oil Spill (2013)

-Occured in July 27th, 2013 in the Gulf of Thailand off the coast of Koh Samet and Map Ta Phut
-Pipeline owned by PTTGC plc , Thai state company oil busted

-Affected areas of tourism
-Rayong and nearby resort island of Koh Samet were impacted by the spillage
-Marine aniamls were harmed

Monday, 9 March 2015

RN: Resources - Natural Capital

The Earth contains many resources which support the natural systems.

Biosphere (living parts)
  • Forest 
  • Grassland 
  • Desert 
  • Tundra
  • and other biomes
  • Upper layer of the atmosphere 
Humans have an anthropocentric (human-centred) view toward these resources and uses.
If properly managed, renewable and replenishable resources are forms of wealth that can produce natural income

The income from natural capital may be in the form of goods or services Goods: Marketable commodities. Ecological services: Flood and erosion protection, climate stabilisation, maintenance of soil fertility.

Natural capital or resources are divided into 3 parts: renewable, non-renewable, and replenishable. 

  • Renewable is living species and ecosystems which can be replaced by natural productivity. 
  • Replenishable is non-living resources which are continuously restored by natural processes (e.g. rivers and streams, the ozone layer.
  • Non-renewable – Natural resources which cannot be replenished within a timescale.(fossil fuel or coal)

Dynamic nature and concept of a resource

  • The value of resources has been changed over time as long as human keep develop new technologies.
  • Resources become more valuable as new technologies need them.