Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Making Sustainable Decisions

After briefly discussing and analyzing the difficult question of "Should Bangkok be protected during the flood of 2011?",search for another difficult decision to make in the real world. 

Should we throw the trashes in the oceans ? 
If we do, it will cause the oceans will become dirty and toxic .
But if we don't ,the trashes in our world will become overwhelming .

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

My Oct Break & ESS

My October break I was just staying at home for most of the time trying not to go outside too much because I don't want to use my mom's moneys (Economy). But I went out with my friends hanging around because they asked me to go out (Society) . And I just had Volleyball tournament game at ISE in Chonburi and we got 2nd place which is a really good exercise (well-being)

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Hormones Disruption from plastic products

Endocrine System
-Produces hormones
-Hormones mimic
-Hormones disrupter

-Hormone Mimic

Hormones mimics
-Fish in europe
-Animals living in water source
-Egg-yolk proteins in male
-Male fish is able to reproduce

Hormones Disrupters

Interfere with sex hormones
-Increases chance of female hormones

BPA (Bisphenol-A)
Found in plastic bottles beverage cans

Effects breast cancer for woman
reproductive system problems ,heart diseas

Avoid it eating less can foods

Dioxin (When leave a bottle in the car for too long ,it will produce dioxin)
Where does it come from?
Health Effects
- Disrupt sex hormones
Eating less fish
Daily products

Styrene Ms.Cindy is beautiful

Found in
-Foam coffee cup ,bike helmet
-Food cookies ,cake ,coughnut
-Cigarettes ,phototcopter
Health concerns
-loss of vision, hearing
-Leukemia and Lymphoma
Stop smoking
Stay away from pre-packed food

Found in
-Perfumes ,hair spray
-Nail polish
Plactic food /beverage
Health concerns
Less masculine behavior
Avoid by
Plastic food containers
Heating food in plastic
Less make up

When the mother put alot of make up during pregnancy the child inside will contain alot of chemicals

Avoid chewing gum because rubbers in the gums contain plastic

Physical effect of chemical
it releases estrogen so men can develop of having breasts

What chemical causes endocrine disruptions
Fish and other seafoods

Organization that raise the awareness of plastic

How many chemicals we put in our body everyday?

Air Pollution

Effect of air pollution
Harm building and trees
Acid rain
Ground-level ozone
Particulate matter
Level of effect depends on the length of time of exposure
Short-term effects
Irritation to the eyes
Nose & Throat
Upper respiratory infections
Long-term infection

Chronic Respiratory Disease

This disease can affects multiple  systems in our body, from the eyes to the lungs to the brain
The buildup of immune system cells in organs that form small cluster

What happen in Poland ?

Poland is known as the most polluted nation on Earth
In southwestern part of Poland (known as Upper Silessia) there is a town "Katowice" ,there are smoke from smokestacks found along the steets.
-Children in the area have show high levels of lead in their blood
-Human life
-Infant /mortality

What will the workers make a living ,if they have no job?

"I'd rather have a sick, short life with a job than a longer, healthier life without work."

Things getting better
-When Communist Gov. fell in 1989
a free-market economy begun to develop Artificial price controls kept down the costs of coal, gasoline, and electricity

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Making Environmental Decisions + Class Policy Reflection

  • Why isn't "Making Environmental Decisions" the way to keep a healthy relationship with our environment? Isn't it supposed to be the focus? How can it be detrimental at the same time?
According to what we were talking about in the class ,the sentence "Making Environment Decisions" will not really help our world that much because it's just focusing on only Environment .In order for us to make the world a better place we must think about the world the whole system not only the Environment .For example like you want to save the Climate Change issue by picking up a trash but you don't know where to put them ,so it might just end up the same amount of trashes are still at the same place.

  • How can "Making Environmental Decisions" people communicate with other stakeholders of the society (people who simply do NOT care about the environment)?

The very first way is to educate the children who are still in learning progress ,show them what are really happening to our world . And make a campaign make them stakeholders realize about the problems happening on the earth, its not easy to change people's mind but we can show them the reasons why they should care more about environment.
  • What is a better approach then just "Making Environmental Decisions"? 
Maybe we can change the word Environmental to something else that cover the system on our world such as Global  ,Balance or even stability. Think about everything ,other people views or the phrase "Put yourself in my shoes" to make the thing that we do working effectively.

  • Reflect on what happened in class today. Review class policy. We will re-address mutual respect in the classroom. 
We made too much noises in class and it took quite long time settle us down . Ms.Cindy warned us about this so many times but we still couldn't do it so she got really mad at us .

Sunday, 5 October 2014

UN Millennium Development Goals Reflection Entry