Intrinsic Value of the environment
Economic Value - determined from the market price of the goods and services
a resource produces.
Ecological Value - no formal market price. (soil erosion control, nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis)
Aesthetic Value – no market price. (appreciation of a landscape for its visual attraction)
Intrinsic Value – value in their own right, not economic value.
Economic uses
Direct use - values of ecosystems good and service that directly used by humans.
- Consumptive use - such as harvesting food ,fuel ,hunting animal for foods or cloths.
- Non-Consumptive use - some cultural activities that does not require harvesting .
- Optional values - use of ecosystem goods and services not currently used – either by yourself or future offspring
- Non-use values include aesthetic and intrinsic values
Recreational value – For natural resources to attract the tourist that can provide an alternative income that is sustainable and does not deplete the source of natural capital.
Sustainability means using world's resources at a rate that will allows nature to restore itself and
cause less damage to the environment.
Sustainability applies to harvesting natural capital, to the generation of energy to process the product, and to how the product is packaged and marketed.
Humans will reach the sustainability limit by
- Over population (more people more resources needed)
- Financial motives (when money is more precious than what it's made of)
- Ignorance (doesn't care about the nature and balance)
Global or Local
Global perspective for managing resources sustainably is desirable because many problems have worldwide impact.
Global perspective also helps us to understand that our actions have an impact on others.
Local perspective, human actions are often culturally specific (traditional farming methods).
It is also the case that individual and small community action can be effective for managing resources sustainable. (recycling schemes)
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