Wednesday 13 May 2015

Systems Thinking Research Post

In 1950 ,the Dayak people of Borneo an island in Southeast Asia were suffering from an outbreak of malaria. So they asked for WHO or World Health Organization for help .WHO's solution is to spray copious amount of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) around the island .The result is that the mosquitoes were killed so did the malaria.

But the side-effect is that DDT also killed some kind of wasps that control the population of thatch-eating insect ,and the roofs of Dayak's people homes got eaten by these thatch-eater. The DDT alloyed in many insects on the island including gecko which is the food of cats ,cause the cats who dine on gecko to die and population of rats came up alot. The rats caused even more problems to Dayak people by eating their grains and spread the plaques. The Dayak people asked for WHO for help again and now the solution is to send cats parachute into Borneo and finally now the cats stabilize the situation.

 System Thinking means to think of a whole ,look at the picture from many views or looking at whole. In my opinion system thinking is important because humans we're social animals that rely on each other  and to decide or do something  we have to think as a whole .Doing business needs system thinking as a main construction to make a decision .To play stock market you need to look at many different things and make sure that you're investing on the right side and will get profit back. 

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